Colorado Independent Booksellers

Colorado Springs

Poor Richard's Bookstore

The best selection of quality new and used books in town! Browse as long as you like or ask our knowledgeable book experts for their recommendations and advice. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and spend some time perusing the shelves. Poor Richard’s Bookstore is a full-service new and used bookstore that was founded in 1975 as Poor Richard’s Used Paperbacks. It was the first in the Poor Richard’s family of businesses and remains an anchor and draw for both our loyal regulars and new customers who are always delighted to make the discovery of our home-grown, indy bookstore.


320 N. Tejon Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Click here to view this address on a Google Map

Contact Info

Jeffery Payne: 719-578-5549


Mon. – Sun.,  9 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Edgewater Books

Small family-owned and operated bookshop located in the Edgewater Public Market offering a range of gently used books, including timeless, collectible, and antiquarian volumes of many genres. We have recently added a limited number of new books. We also sell used, rare and unique books through our website:


5505 W. 20th Ave., #144
Edgewater, CO 80214

Click here to view this address on a Google Map

Contact Info

Alex Nelson: 720-557-9051 ,


Closed Mondays, Tues., noon – 5 p.m.; Wed. – Fri., noon to 7 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Sun., noon to 5 p.m. – Fri noon- 7:00, Sat. 11:00 – 7:30, Sun noon – 5:00


Paonia Books

Paonia Books offers books, art supplies and author visits that surprise and delight readers and writers in Colorado’s North Fork Valley.


234 Grand Ave., Paonia, CO 81428

Click here to view this address on a Google Map

Contact Info


Open Tues. through Sat., noon to 5 p.m.

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Briefly Noted

The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir

Griffin Dunne
Penguin Press
385 pages pages

Film actor and author Griffin Dunne’s Colorado connection, briefly noted in his charming, disarming and satisfying family memoir, is that he honed his acting skills as a teenager at the Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs where he “knocked it out of the park” as Jerry in Edward Albee’s Zoo Story and was changed by the experience. Dunne was forced to leave the next semester after getting caught smoking hashish in the dorm the night before he was due to perform in Othello. This brief misadventure mirrors many others in young Dunne’s developing years as he relocates from coast to coast, rubs elbows with his parents’ Hollywood coterie, is best friends with Carrie Fisher and constantly adores his eclectic and glamorous parents, brother Alex and sister Dominique. Dominique’s 1982 murder at the hands of an abusive ex-boyfriend and the subsequent, highly publicized trial of her killer become the focus of much of the book’s second half. Dunne’s book rises well above the category of celebrity memoir to a true family memoir, unwaveringly honest and filled with moments of despair as well as laughter as the Dunnes pull together and fall apart, like most families, in the face of tragedy.