Remembering life on the run
An interview with legendary author Joanne Greenberg about her 21st book, a memoir of her time as a volunteer emergency medical technician in the Colorado Rockies
An interview with legendary author Joanne Greenberg about her 21st book, a memoir of her time as a volunteer emergency medical technician in the Colorado Rockies
Book honors stewards of Hispano traditions in one of the state’s true cultural enclaves
Resident of Rocky Mountains and the Pacific coast of New Zealand, Suzanne MacAulay is an art historian, folklorist and ethnographer. She is Professor Emerita and former chair of the Visual and Performing Arts Department, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Her research interests are arts revitalizations, ethnographic textiles, particularly Spanish Colonial colcha embroidery and Maori weaving. Her book, Stitching Rites, is the first comprehensive academic treatment of Spanish colonial colcha embroidery and Hispanic art revitalization movements. In 2019 she successfully nominated Josephine Lobato, folk artist from the San Luis Valley, Colorado, for a National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellowship Award.
Hiking With Kids Colorado: 52 Great Hikes for Families provides a guide for a hike a week within a year, detailing trails suitable each season—including winter—for the entire family. Inspired by son Brian, accompanied by husband Ben and championed by her own nature-loving parents, Colorado-based author Jamie Siebrase birthed this “how to hike with children” book. (See our review of Siebrase’s picture book Tonight! A Bedtime Story here.) Winter hikes include the “Pines to Peaks Loop”, a 1.1-mile lollipop shaped treading trail, easy to access from downtown Boulder, crossing three distinct ecosystems: meadow, ponderosa pine parkland, and forest. Another hike, “Lake Gulch and Inner Canyon Loop,” begins in Castle Rock within Castlewood Canyon State Park. The 2.2-mile hike begins easy and turns moderate, passing through ponderosa pine, Gambel oaks, mountain mahogany, and snowberry along the trail. Near Snowmass Village, “The Rim Trail South to Spiral Point” boasts iconic vistas. This is a 2.6 mile out-and-back hike that is moderate in difficulty. From the trailhead, hike west through aspen groves. This is a popular snowshoeing trail in winter. Siebrase offers useful details on subjects like trail etiquette and preparedness needs, as well as keeping canine-children leashed. The text is clearly broken down into seasonal hikes offering a variety of difficulty and distance explanations, as well as directions to trailhead locations, a familiar obstacle to the would-be family hiker. Legible trail maps show where to go once arrived and the book is peppered with fun facts. — Shelli Rottschafer